A Quiet Hovercraft

Making your GH-2 run more quietly and for a longer time.

You can convert your GH-2 into quieter hovercraft which drains its batteries twice as slowly. You'll need just one of your battery packs, and a single wire.

For the first motor, connect the battery pack's red wire by following the directions included with your kit, but don't connect the black wire to this motor. Instead, connect the black wire to the other motor, again following the directions included with your kit. There are two places left to connect - one on each motor. Connect these two spots together with a single wire. You've now connected your motors in serial. Electricity flows through the red wire into the first motor, through the single wire into the second motor, and then back to the battery pack through the black wire. Both motors will run more slowly, the propellers will make less noise, and the batteries will drain more slowly.

Here is a close-up of the wiring scheme.

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